The BBC George Smiley Radio Dramas with Mac Rogers – Part 3

I’m excited to welcome back Mac Rogers, playwright and audio dramatist for the epic conclusion of our look at the BBC George Smiley radio dramas.

In this third and final part we dig into The Honourable Schoolboy, Smiley’s People and The Secret Pilgrim.

The best way to find a corpse, how stories differ when told by a master spy versus a mediocre spy, and if any radio producers are listening, Mac is waiting by the phone to adapt Legacy of Spies.

All that and more in this episode.

Mac’s website –

Mac’s Twitter –

Gideon Media, the audio production company Mac is a part of –


The movie First Time Caller

The George Smiley Audio Dramas on the BBC –

On Audible –

Jeff’s site –

Jeff’s twitter – @spywrite

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